Welcome to E.S.W.Z.V. Nayade's website! Nayade originated from the Eindhovens Studenten Corps. However, nowadays there is no connection anymore. It all started as 'Eindhovense studenten zwemvereniging Nayade'. Later this was changed to 'E.S.W.V. Nayade', since we only did water polo at that time. From 1994 and on, the name 'E.S.W.Z.V. Nayade' is used, because both swimming and water polo are practiced.

The water polo branch consists of 4 teams, two men teams and 2 women teams. There are also members who only train with Nayade. The first men team plays at the third class of the Dutch swimming federation. The second men team plays at the lower 2nd class of the fifth water polo district of the Netherlands. The first women team plays at the first class of the fifth district. The second lady’s team plays at the forth class of the fifth district. Games are mostly played at Saturday afternoon. Besides training and the normal competition we also participate at tournaments and other swimming activities.

At the moment the swimming branch consists about 80 members. These are divided equally in the technique group and the competition group. The technique group welcomes everyone who want to learn how to swim competitions. At the competition group the level is higher than the technique group. Swimmers from all levels are present, from absolute beginner to Dutch champions.

Besides sport, recreation is also an important part for the Nayadian live. Because of that, there are dedicated committees who organize activities such as the beer pong tournament, the eat relay race, the club championship and much more.

The place where most of these activities take place is the Nayadehuis. In this house, 11 active members live, who organize the Nayade house party with a yearly different theme.

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